De-cluttering room by room- ‘The Bathroom’

As we say goodbye to 2014, many of us will ponder a New Year’s resolution…

What’s ours? De- cluttering our homes!

How often do you walk into a room in your home, open a cupboard or draw and think, “I really have to sort this mess out”?

They say there is no time like the present, so in the coming weeks, we will be focusing on the wonderful world of “de-cluttering”.

Why are we doing it over a few weeks you ask? Well, you can wander aimlessly from room to room, de-cluttering a little bit here and there, but it’s not as effective as focusing on one room or one small part of a room and actually finishing it, from beginning to end.

So, to make things a little easier and much more effective, we will be focusing on a new area of the house each week!

This week, we get stuck into the bathroom!

Bathroom photoBathrooms are busy places. They accommodate a variety of grooming tasks and often for more than one person. Ample storage space is required to house all of the associated grooming tools, but unfortunately, few of us can say we have enough of it! So, it’s time to maximise the space that you do have.

Before you begin, you will need three boxes:

Label each with the following:

–              Things to donate

–              Things that belong elsewhere

–              Things to bin

Now you’re ready to de-clutter!

1. Sort ‘like’ itemscosmetics

When de-cluttering always keep one rule in mind- like items should be grouped together.

Possible categories for sorting bathroom items could include:

  • Cosmetics
  • Shaving supplies
  • Nail care items
  • Skin care items
  • Hair accessories
  • Grooming electronics- electric shavers, hair driers, straighteners etc.

*Note* If you share a bathroom you may want to designate one drawer or cupboard for each user depending on the space available.

2. The three main questions

Do I like it?

Do I use it?

  Do I need it?

If the answer to any one of these questions is no, then it’s time to let it go!

3. Relocation

Many of the items causing clutter in our bathroom could in fact reside somewhere else to begin with!

  • If you are in the habit of hoarding extra supplies of various toiletries such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. look for a logical alternate place to store the extras outside of the bathroom in order to free up space. Linen cupboards and bedroom wardrobes could be an option.
  • While it may seem natural to store all health and beauty care related items in the bathroom, it’s best to only store those items which will be used exclusively in the bathroom and on a regular basis. Items such as foot baths, hot water bottles and curling irons can be stored in a closet elsewhere.
  • Contrary to its name, the ‘medicine cabinet’ in the bathroom is not the best place to store medications which typically require cool, dry conditions as often labelled on the bottle/package. Bathrooms are regularly hot and humid which does not make for an ideal environment for medication.
  • It makes sense to store spare towels in the bathroom, but often, these will be taking up valuable space which could be used more strategically. Store one set of extra towels as your back up while placing the rest in the linen cupboard.

4. Enough is enough

body lotion photoThere are 100’s of great personal care products on the market today and naturally, it can be tempting to try all of them in search of the perfect one. When it comes to de-cluttering your bathroom, however, you need to seriously evaluate what you use and what you don’t. Be honest with yourself… No one really needs 9 different kinds of body lotions do they? Think back to the last time you used a product. If you can’t remember, it’s probably not a necessity for you! Pick your favourite, and part with the remainder.  If you are struggling to make a decision, keep the following in mind:

  • Personal care products do eventually expire and need to be disposed of. Look for products that are discoloured, separating, or have an unusual odor or texture. Discard these immediately.
  • Choose one body lotion, one shampoo, one conditioner, etc. while placing spares elsewhere. When you use up the product in the bathroom, choose a new one to take its place.

5. A good clean can do wonders!

A clean bathroom creates a feeling of space. As you de-clutter your bathroom, take the opportunity to clean the spots you seldom have time to. Deep clean closets, cupboards and drawers where dirt tends to collect. Wipe each shelf and drawer out with a clean, damp cloth before returning the contents.

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Peard Real Estate is an award winning network of boutique offices throughout Western Australia delivering innovative property solutions, services and results for home owners, landlords and investors.
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